Kick off for the Son Gibert Early Childhood Education Centre

September 30, 2024

The Minister of Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, together with the Mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez; the Director General of Early Childhood, Attention to Diversity and Educational Improvement, Neus Riera, and the Councillor for Education of the Palma City Council, Lourdes Roca, attended today the ceremony to lay the first stone of the centre for the first cycle of early childhood education in the Palma neighbourhood of Son Gibert.

The works for this centre for the first cycle of early childhood education have a budget of 2,786,997.11 euros, of which the Ministry of Education and Universities contributes €1,159,200.

The future nursery school will have three units: two classrooms for the first year of infants (babies aged 0 years) with 14 places; another two for the second year of infants (children aged 1 and 2 years), with 24 places, and three classrooms for the third year of infants (2-3 years), with 54 places. There will also be a support classroom. In total, this nursery will have a capacity of 92 places.

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