GNgrup wins the CEPYME 2023 Award for labor inclusion of people with disabilities.

February 2, 2024

The Mallorcan company GNGrup, a technical consultancy for real estate projects, has received the award for the employment of people with disabilities within the framework of the tenth edition of the awards granted by the state employers’ association CEPYME, in a gala that was chaired by the King Felipe VI , and in which the work of small and medium-sized businesses and the self-employed is recognized.

Specifically, the recognition corresponds to the SME of the Year category for the Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities, supported by Inserta Empleo and the ONCE Foundation for the training and employment of people with disabilities, and co-financed by the European Union.

Alberto Durán (executive vice president of ONCE Foundation), Carlos Cuerpo (Minister of Economy and Commerce), King Felipe VI, Josep Antoni Grimalt (CEO of GNGRUP) and Gerardo Cuerva (President of Cepyme)


Belén Oliver, presidenta de GNgrup, Carmen Planas, presidenta de CAEB y Josep Antoni Grimalt, CEO de GNgrup

Fátima Báñez, (former Minister of Labor), Josep Antoni Grimalt (CEO of GNGRUP) Carlos Body (Minister of Economy and Commerce),




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